In the last class we were introduced to Github, in this class we were introduced to Markdown and HTML. I learned that markdown is a shortcut for html and learned the essential components. Such as how to create headings of different sizes, how to make text italicised or bold, how to make lists.
‘*#’ heading, ‘>’ blockquote, * italics , ‘-’ list
These shortcuts are very helpful for quickly getting turning a body of text into html.
HTML is not programming language. It adds structure to content.
<li> is a List Item, <ol> is an Ordered List, <ul> is an Unordered List.
Viewport is what you see on your screen.
CSS targets the < > tags and formats them for us. When using CSS it is important to keep in mind that the last thing in the cascade takes priority.
This means that the h1 font size of 5rem will take priority over the previous font size of 4rem in this example.
REM and EM are scalable, meaning:
“Unlike PX, relative units like %, EM, and REM are better suited to responsive design and also help meet accessibility standards. Relative units scale better on different devices because they can scale up and down according to another element’s size.” -[]( is relative to the,parent size is%2C use REM.)