The New Century saw a wealth of new technology which would change the world forever.
The industrial revolution lasted from around 1760-1870 and brought about a period of great change throughout the entire world. This resulted in a push for mass production, and a loss of craftmanship.
Photography and moving pictures were invented, which was revolutionary for the world. Mathew Brady, often referred to as the father of photo-journalism, took pictures of the American Civil war. This was significant as it was the first time people could see the horrors of war for what they were, not through illustrations or other forms of art.
Pioneered by the artist William Morris, the arts and crafts movement began in 1860’s England, and emphasised a return to craftsmanship and the denouncing of cheap, mass produced goods. It was an anti-industrial movement.
Learning about the arts and crafts movement was very interesting to me. It feels as though in 2023 we are going through another technological revolution with all the new technologies that are being created, e.g AI, Augmented Reality, VR, Facial Recognition, biometric security etc.
In the current age of cheap mass produced goods, planned obsolescence and the oversaturation of disposable goods, I think that another wave of the arts and crafts movement would be well suited.