Charts are visual representations of data- they are a logically constructed visual language which communicates something about a set of data.

Otto Neurath

Otto Neurath was an Austrian sociologist, economist and philosopher. He revolutionised how data was represented as he spearheaded the development of ISOTYPE- (International System oTypographic Picture Education). This form of pictorial communication was particularly useful as it helped ordinary people who were illiterate or semi-literate to understand and be educated about certain concepts which wouldn't have been accessible to them before [(source)]( Neurath (1882-1945),%2C social%2C and historical data.).


I like Neurath’s clean-cut simple style of depicting data in his ISOTYPEs. The sans serif type (usually Futura) and restrained use of colour makes the chart visually pleasing and easy to understand. I would like to emulate this effect in my own dashboard.


A fun example of a chart with correlation to real world events is this google trends data which shows searches for ‘eyes hurt’ peaking in the United States on April 8th, 8pm- the time of the solar eclipse. The line graph makes this information stand out very clearly, making it very clear to determine the peak of the trend. The heat map also is very eye-opening as it shows the locations where the most people looked at the eclipse with unprotected eyes.

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