“There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics.” [(source)](https://www.york.ac.uk/depts/maths/histstat/lies.htm#:~:text=“There are three kinds of,came to know the phrase.)
Diagrammatic refers to representations of data in diagrams and charts etc. Illustrative refers to pictorial representations and imagery. When combined these two elements can work together to make data visualisation more comprehensive. But, it can also be used to hide the truth.
The Feltron annual report is a personal project undertaken by designer Nicholas Feltron in which he visualised the data of the events of his whole year and made it into a comprehensive report, including graphs, maps and statistics. Feltron continued this project for ten years- with each report having a different style to it.
I was particularly inspired by Fletron’s 2009 annual report. I like how this report has a limited usage of colour- with only the primary colours been used throughout. The sparse use of colour works very well on the white backgrounds. This pairs very nicely with the bold black text used by Feltron.
The consistent layout between each of his different pages is very aesthetially pleasing and allows for the viewer to ahve a sense of familiarity about what they are looking at. This is particularly hepful in this report, as there is so much information it could otherwise become overwhelming.
Feltron’s map is simple and concise- using a heat map inspired layout to clearly illustrate where he spent most of his time throughout the year.