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A content strategy is a high-level plan that guides the intentional creation and maintenance of information in a digital product. (source)


Content strategy is an approach to planning, creating and maintaining content. ‘Content’ is made up of information (is it factual, entertaining, practical etc), context (what is the content supposed to accomplish, who is the intended audience, why is it being published), medium (is it a blog post, a website, an app? and how does this influence the message) and format (Is the content text, graphic, audio, video, interactive, virtual/augmented reality, etc.?)

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Good content is appropriate; and content is appropriate for users when it helps them accomplish their goals.

Content without context is useless. If a piece of information hasn't got context, it is just filler, and has no purpose for users.

Knowing your consumers

When creating content strategy, it is important to know your consumers.

Content planning for physical factors includes; considering disabilities, device type, gender, geolocation and time.

Content planning for emotional factors includes; considering marital status, personalisation tools, recommendations, user feedback and use of social and contextual networking data.

Content planning for learning factors includes; familiarity with content, education attained, learning disabilities and reading level.

Good content is useful

Good designers should ask two questions throughout any project: What are you trying to improve? Who are you trying to improve it for? - Scott Berkun