Before I could create a logo for this app, I needed a name. I already knew the tone of voice I wanted the app to be: fun, light-hearted and friendly. I also knew that the name had to reflect the function of the app- a party assistant for friends on nights out drinking.
First, I gave a brief description of my app idea to ChatGPT and asked it to generate 10 name ideas. I was impressed with these names but they didn't quite fit the tone I had in mind. These names were effective in helping me think of my own idea.
This was my short-list of the names I was the most happy with. I ended up on social sips as it is what describes my app the best, as well as having a jovial tone. I liked this the best because me and my friends also regularly use this term- so it’ll be recognisable to my userbase.
Next, I started to sketch some ideas for a wordmark. I wanted to include a martini glass as a logo to bring a bit of fun to the wordmark. I experimented with making the letter ‘i’ a martini glass before taking my ideas to figma to flesh them out more.
I liked the martini glass ‘i’ in sips at first, but upon placing the wordmark beside the martini glass vector, I found I liked this simplicity a lot more. This was the best move as I am sure the martini glass ’i’ version would have lost legibility on a small screen.